Clear Roleplay: An community

Welcome to Clear Roleplay

Clear is a new project from EdgeGamers to reinvent our FiveM roleplay community. With a focus on respectful, transactional, and storied roleplay, we give players large amounts of freedom in pursuing their character's ambitions.

Why Clear?

Rich Roleplay

We encourage and foster a wide array of respectful, storied, and transactional roleplay sessions. Roleplay that is fun for everyone involved is our number one priority.

Friendly Community

Almost more important than our roleplay is that all community members are respectful and kind to their fellow players. Zero hate, discrimination, or disrespect is tolerated on any EdgeGamers server. All players are welcome to join and try their hand at roleplay.

High Quality Mods

Our active development team is constantly working on new mods and items for our community members to enjoy. Every item, car, and mod is carefully balanced, inspected, and curated to ensure all our players have an excellent and frictionless roleplay experience.

Unlimited Opportunities

We don't believe in holding characters back from their potential. Our team is constantly working to ensure players have the opportunities to see their characters at their best.

Active Developers

ClearRP is backed by a team of responsive and considerate developers, who are constantly innovating to bring the community new experiences and scenarios. We regularly add new cars and items to our servers, and accept suggestions from all players in our forums.

Streamer Friendly

ClearRP does not tolerate metagaming, and streamers are welcome to play our server while live.

An in-game screenshot of Grand Theft Auto

Our Pillars

These pillars define our core ruleset and are the foundation and justification for every other rule on our servers.

Respectful Roleplay

All roleplay should foster a friendly environment. Toxic behavior, such as harrassment, hazing, and/or disregarding is not acceptable.

Transactional Roleplay

Players are expected to roleplay with others, rather than on others. Selfish interactions make everyone else unhappy and will not be tolerated.

Storied Roleplay

We expect our players to focus on long-term interactions and stories rather than short-term aspirations.

Read Our Rules

(8 pages)

Join Us!

An in-game screenshot of GTA
ClearRP logo: A man in a suit wearing sunglasses

ClearRP By EdgeGamers

Serious | Streamer Friendly | Real Econ | Custom Jobs, Heists, Cars | Active PD/EMS/DOJ |